Joyful Jewish

Posts Tagged ‘afikoman

Afikoman hunt

This is a neat game for kids, combining the fun of a treasure hunt with some Hebrew learning!

The afikoman is the piece of matzah which is traditionally hidden during the course of the Passover seder for children to find later, and it becomes the last thing to be eaten at that seder.

In this game, I printed and laminated copies of each Hebrew letter in the word “afikoman” (which curiously enough is actually derived from a Greek word), and the full word.   I made a set for each team taking part and hid the letters around the yard.


The rule was that only one child per team could run off to search at a time, and they could only bring back one letter.  If it was a letter that team had already found, it needed to be rehidden.  (Eventually the kids realised it was worthwhile checking and remembering which letters had been found before they ran off looking for another one!)

Quick, easy, and with a big enough yard, quite good exercise too.

You can download my copy of the Afikoman hunt cards here. Happy hunting!


Fun crafts and activities for Jewish families with young children

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