Joyful Jewish

Posts Tagged ‘puppets

Last year I made Purim puppets which were paper pictures of the main characters stuck onto popsticks.  Last week I was walking through my supermarket, not even thinking about Purim, when I saw they were selling 6-piece bamboo spoon sets for three dollars.   Instantly the idea was hatched, and with a little help from my daughter, we now have some hilariously kitsch Purim spoon puppets to help illustrate our reading of the “Shabbat Tot Megillah” this year.

This was so easy – all you need is
– some wooden spoons
– a pen or pencil to draw facial features (I suggest something non-toxic if you ever want to use the spoon again for its original purpose)
– some googly eyes
– cardboard for hats and crowns (we decorated ours with stickers)
– curling ribbon, wool or similar for hair
– scraps of paper, ribbon or fabric for clothing, attached in this case with pieces of pipe cleaner or more ribbon
plus sticky tape/glue/double sided tape for attaching hair/moustaches/beards.

Here are our heroes (and villain) in more detail.

The curling ribbon hair is fabulous – bounce your spoon along and the hair sproings high and low.  Sadly there was a minor mishap when my daughter “danced” Queen Esther just a little too vigorously and one of her eyeballs fell off, but we found it a day later and all is well again!

Fun crafts and activities for Jewish families with young children

A resource site for anyone who wants to share the joy of being Jewish with the children in their life.
