Joyful Jewish

Posts Tagged ‘havdalah

Shabbat is such a feast for the senses! See the candles, hear/sing the blessings and songs, taste the challah and wine/grape juice, touch the embroidery on a challah cover or the velvet of a kippah, and smell the havdalah spices.

Beautiful scents are such a joy and so easily overlooked in a busy life.  I always take time to stop and smell the (neighbours’) roses! And the lavender, and the frangipanis, and the rosemary, and the golden wattle…

I confess that our family doesn’t really observe havdalah (yet) – apart from smelling our spice box.

These spice bags are easy to put together – place a selection of spices inside a little organza bag (sold in packs for wedding favours) and tie the ribbon to hold it in place.  Before that, you might like to share and compare the scents of your favourite spices.  We used whole cloves, cinnamon scrolls, star anise, cardamom pods and vanilla pod.  (I’m not recommending this as the world’s best combination, but it certainly smells interesting!)

Fun crafts and activities for Jewish families with young children

A resource site for anyone who wants to share the joy of being Jewish with the children in their life.
